Sound Advertising

Audio advertising is growing at a fast pace with more and more advertisers opting for audio classified ads. It's no secret that a good sales headline makes all the difference in advertising and it's no different when talking about great audio advertising. Professional voice talent and recognized studio engineers come together to create top quality audio advertising spots.

Interactive audio advertising is generating enormous interest within the advertising community.


At the turn of the 21st century, a number of websites including the search engine Google, started a change in online advertising by emphasizing contextually relevant, unobtrusive ads intended to help, rather than inundate, users.

Most Audio networks "crawl" websites in its list of publishers, prior to placing a single ad, to determine the content of Ad best suited to the visitor based on the page content they are seeing while the Ad is playing. For example, your audio ads are placed on websites that users can relate too, such as sports drink ads, sportswear and sports gear on a NFL information websites.


Audio advertisements have gained national media attention from national mass-market advertisers, the Wall Street Investment Community and discussed in the Wall Street Journal. Currently this new online audio advertising provides advertisers with a new procedure to promote.

Not just for major advertisers, but small niche advertisers like local business can use audio ads for local and regional advertising too. Ads for audio content, such as pod casts or Internet radio stations, often use a "reservation" model, where advertisers reserve spots in audio streams for confirmed fees.

It's possible that this reservation model may not maximize revenue for audio publishers because many advertisers don't have the wherewithal to negotiate agreements for ad spots and don't compete for them.

However, imagine an Ad Network where advertisers and publishers can interact, and pay-per-action type advertising becomes a possibility. A publisher would set upon criteria for advertisers to match, and the system would determine which ads to play based upon relevancy and price. Now, forward-thinking advertisers are recognizing that if it works on radio, it can work on streaming audio.


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