
Email Marketing - Is it Part of Your Marketing Strategy?

There are many voices out there today, each one clambering for our attention. In our home based business, we get bombarded daily with offers that we are told we just can't refuse! Each one offers their best marketing strategy and/or courses, which if you will just simply buy it; it would literally set you financially free! Ever been there? Well, that's not what I'm going to do here!! We're going to be talking about one subject: Email Marketing and email marketing strategies. Clearly there are more marketing strategies than email marketing. The fact is, there are many different marketing strategies out there, and we have many choices, but you have to decide which ones you want to implement. A strategy that has worked well for me and other internet marketers is to start with two, maybe 3 marketing strategies. Get very familiar with those, and make sure they are working for you. Don't let anything or anyone sidetrack you. Stick to your guns. Once you have those mas

How Important Is Digital Marketing?

Today, it won't be wrong to say that no e-business can exist without digital marketing. This statement may sound harsh to you but today's fast changing world, you have to harness social media or you may stay far behind. As a matter of fact, digital marketing can work in a very effective manner provided it is used the right way. Given below are 10 reasons why you may digital marketing is so important. Affordable Unlike traditional marketing, social media and digital marketing don't cost much. As a matter of fact, with this marketing method, you can reach a lot bigger audience without spending an arm and a leg. The majority of SMEs don't afford traditional marketing methods. But online marketing is a cheap but effective solution for them. According to the Digital Marketing Spend Report of Gartner, 4 out of 10 people said that digital marketing saved them a great deal of money. Speed Unlike conventional marketing, it is a lot faster. The older methods require a l

Sound Advertising

Audio advertising is growing at a fast pace with more and more advertisers opting for audio classified ads. It's no secret that a good sales headline makes all the difference in advertising and it's no different when talking about great audio advertising. Professional voice talent and recognized studio engineers come together to create top quality audio advertising spots. Interactive audio advertising is generating enormous interest within the advertising community. Websites At the turn of the 21st century, a number of websites including the search engine Google, started a change in online advertising by emphasizing contextually relevant, unobtrusive ads intended to help, rather than inundate, users. Most Audio networks "crawl" websites in its list of publishers, prior to placing a single ad, to determine the content of Ad best suited to the visitor based on the page content they are seeing while the Ad is playing. For example, your audio ads are placed on we

Anatomy of an Effective Email Blast

Whether you call it an email, email blast or email promotion, essentially it is an electronic version of an advertisement. These are emails that are sent to your subscribers or people that have opted-in to receive information from your company or business. It's also worth mentioning that email promotions can be very effective, no matter how big or small your subscriber list. It's quality over quantity in these situations, and as you continue to grow your list, you'll have quality and quantity on your side. 5 Essential Parts of Every Email Blast In order to make sure that your email blasts are effective, make sure that all of your email promotions include these five elements. o Personalization. You want the recipients of your email to feel as if you're speaking directly to them rather than sending the same email out to thousands of people. One way to help your email look less like a sales attempt and more like a personal message is to use the recipient's name

Email Marketing's Best Practices

Email is used by many people throughout the globe. Over the years, it has been an efficient way for communication because of its fast accessibility and process of sending messages. Gone are the days of snail mails, where letters need to undergo a lot of delivery processes before they can be received. With the advancement of technologies, email has become a part of communication. It is a modern way of communicating using the internet. Wherever you are, as long as there is an internet access, with just few clicks away, you can communicate with people regardless of how many miles apart through the use of email. Now, email is not merely a means of communication for social purposes, it is also a business, called as "Email Marketing". This is a kind of business where people use the email for marketing purposes, such as business promotions, advertising, and transactions. There are email practices or strategies that were formulated by online marketers. These strategies are als

On-Page And Off-Page SEO: Which Is More Effective?

When doing Search engine optimization, a webmaster must know what SEO tools and methods are most effective to be able to focus his or her attention on these methods and tools. Knowing which methods will help a website the most to get to its desired ranking in search engine results for selected keywords will help the webmaster or the SEO specialist in prioritizing the techniques that yield the best results. If you are new to the SEO industry, you may be wondering why SEO is getting a lot of attention. SEO or search engine optimization is the practice of increasing the online presence of a website or a blog by making it rank higher in search engine results. In the past, many websites have been practicing the type of SEO that is not favorable for the readers; also known as black-hat SEO. Google made some changes in the past year to improve its service to people who are using their search engine. That decreased the effectiveness of black-hat SEO and has made the industry change for the

Digital Marketing and Its Impact on Consumer Perception

Consumer perception is the most important factor for all business entities since it helps in developing their brand awareness and perception. Thus, both for online and offline marketing it is essential for management to understand consumer perception more effectively and efficiently. There are some of the reasons behind the maintenance of consumer perception of the business and industries: 1. Creating brand awareness 2. Creating brand loyalty 3. Enhancing consumer loyalty 4. Developing brand image 5. Competitive advantage Before purchasing or experiencing products and services, customers have a tendency to develop certain perception. Perception usually varies from customer to customer, product as well as service quality. Hence, from business or marketing point of view, it is essential for them to track down the customer behaviour pattern and their perception and therefore need to address with the same effectively and efficiently. During purchasing a product or service